Product Design

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Ready for Branding www.readyforbranding.com

BE O bottle

By 27-04-2019

At the moment, 99% of all the plastic that we use is made from oil. BE O wants to change the oil plastic industry: what we need is innovative bioplastic made from natural residual materials. The first product is the BE O bottle, made from residual sugar cane instead of crude oil.

Interesting in our cooperation is the combination: how do you once again position a sustainable water bottle in an overfilled market? And: how can you, as a start-up without large budgets, enter the market with strong and high-quality products?

Ready for Branding sees BE O as an organization that really makes a difference, even in the start-up phase. Working on a better world. That is what we (in)directly would also like to contribute to. BE O has embraced us from the start as the specialist. They the knowledge about the product, we the knowledge about branding and communication. A nice role division that really takes the end result to the next level.

We developed a style that shouts out activism in a design & lifestyle jacket. Looking back at the protest campaigns of the 1960s and the 1970s, with the needs of a young target group now. Behind the scenes we baptized it ‘Sophisticated Activism’. BE O shows that you can make a strong statement without having to travel to the Malieveld every week.
